Change of CEO and Chair

Erik Walum, former Chair of the Board of Directors was today appointed new CEO of Glucox Biotech AB. Mona Wilcke, co-founder of Glucox Biotech and former CEO, was at the same time appointed new Chair of the Board of Directors.
Erik Walum (PhD) is a former professor of Neurotoxicology at Stockholm University and has served as Head of Molecular Biology and Genomics at Pharmacia and Head of Obesity Pharmacology at Biovitrum. He became member of the Board in 2006 and Chair of the board in 2008.
Mona Wilcke (PhD) has a broad experience in business development as well as research in the metabolic and diabetes field. She has been working at several biotech and large pharmaceutical companies, among them Pharmacia. Besides being Chair of the Board of Directors she will also serves as CSO. Mona Wilcke has been a member of the Board since the start of the company in 2004.